Solutions and Pricing

Maximize your prospecting and sales conversions using Accurate, Verified &

Relevant data based on your target persona

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form and enter your requirements and search criteria.

🔍 We can search by,

Existing Companies
Industry, SIC, NAICS
Job Role (Title, Seniority, Job Function & Experiences)
Company Size
Location (Country, County, State, City, Zip Code)
Revenue Size
Services Type
Technology Used
Founded Year
Job Openings
Events & Exhibition Attendee List

☛ If relevant feel free to share the suppression list. We never provide duplicate data.

$0.25 Per Contact

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form and provide us your list, CRM access or what you have.

☛ We find verified work email addresses with a 95% deliverability guarantee.

$0.20 Per Email

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form & provide us your existing data list.

☛ We will append and enrich data as per your requirement.

$0.20 Per Contact Row

Simply click on the CONTACT US button & let us know your requirements.

☛ We can dedicate highly skilled expert team in any size with project managing & QA person.

Contact us for Quote

Solutions and Pricing

maximize your prospecting and sales conversions using guaranteed fresh, accurate,

relevant data based on your target personas

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form and enter your requirements and search criteria.

🔍 We can search by,

Existing Companies
Industry, SIC, NAICS
Job Role (Title, Seniority, Job Function & Experiences)
Company Size
Location (Country, County, State, City, Zip Code)
Revenue Size
Services Type
Technology Used
Founded Year
Job Openings
Events & Exhibition Attendee List

☛ If relevant feel free to share the suppression list. We never provide duplicate data.

30¢ Per Contact

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form and provide us your list, CRM access or what you have.

We find verified work email addresses with a 95% deliverability guarantee.

20¢ Per Email

Simply click on ORDER NOW to access the order form & provide us your existing data list.

We will append and enrich data as per your requirement.

20¢ Per Contact Row

Simply click on the CONTACT US button & let us know your requirements.

We can dedicate highly skilled expert team in any size with project managing & QA person.

Contact Us For Quote

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